Contract Reviews

Contract reviews are an important part of being in business.  However, between the legalese, small print and the number of pages, the effect of what you are agreeing to may be difficult to understand.  Let us help you negotiate contracts that benefit your business.


Helping Our Clients – Contract Reviews

  • Creating  LLCs (along with Operating Agreements, Corporations (along with Articles and Bylaws) and Partnership Agreements for our clients.
  • Negotiating contracts and other business agreements for the benefit of our clients.
  • Review and revision of our clients’ form agreements

Man shuffling cards

What Kenny Rogers Can Teach Us About Contract Pitfalls

When an entrepreneur enters into a contract with a larger entity, they are often presented with a contract that seems one-sided.  Sometimes the entrepreneur feels they have to give in to what the other party wants – but the provisions listed below should usually be considered “deal breakers.”

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1775 Sherman Street, Suite 1650
Denver, CO  80203
(303) 864-9797

Our firm serves the Denver Metro area including Arvada, Aurora, Boulder, Brighton, Commerce City, Castle Rock, Golden, Lakewood, Littleton and Arapahoe, Adams, Douglas and Jefferson Counties.